Quogue Wildlife Refuge LINPI Sale
LINPI will be bringing native plants to Quogue for a sale! Times to be determined.
Spring Garden School - CCE Yaphank - Saturday, April 5
Plant Stock at HOG Farm, 10-2pm, (LINPI closed) Saturday - April 19
Arbor Day Sapling Giveaway at East Meadow Farm, 1-4pm, Friday April 25
Earth Day at Quogue at Wildlife Refuge, 10-2pm, Saturday, April 26
Arbor Day at Planting Fields, 10-4pm, Sunday, April 27
Girl Scout walk - Sans-Souchi - Thursday, May 22
Pollinator Festival at Sunken Meadow State Park, 11-3pm, Saturday, June 21
Farmingdale State College Spring Plant Sale, 9-4pm, May 6, 7, & 8
LINPI Spring Native Plant Sale in Brentwood, 9-3pm, May 17 & 18
Napolitano Family Farm & Red Fox Farms will be tabling in Greenhouse
LINPI will be bringing native plants to Quogue for a sale! Times to be determined.
We have confirmed our dates for our plant sale this Spring!
May 18, 9am-5pm
May 19, 9am-3pm
A Symposium on Invasive and Native Species for Long Island's Future, hosted by the Long Island Native Plant Initiative (LINPI) and Long Island Invasive Species Management Area (LIISMA)
This year's presentations will focus on resiliency in the face of climate change. A few topics to look forward to include predictions and management measures for both native and invasive species, the importance of using ecotypes in the face of climate change, preventing and prioritizing invasive species, and ecosystems of greatest risk. We will take a look at our own native species, as well as the novel-ecosystems that have arisen with the introduction of foreign invaders, in relation to the continued resiliency of Long Island and the Mid-Atlantic region at large.For more details, please visit https://liisma.org/resilientli-2024/
High level agenda:
March 7 - Poster session @ Seatuck
March 8 - Conference @ Hofstra University
March 9 - Offsite workshops @ SOSJ Campus
Sponsorship opportunities:
Please contact [email protected] for any questions.
Fall is the BEST TIME to Plant Perennials.
LINPI is hosting its 3rd annual Fall Plant Sale at the Sister’s of St. Joseph Greenhouse location!
Over 40 species are available now!
Check out our Current Plant List for details!
Fall is the BEST TIME to Plant Perennials.
LINPI is hosting its 3rd annual Fall Plant Sale at the Sister’s of St. Joseph Greenhouse location!
Over 40 species are available now!
Check out our Current Plant List for details!
Fall is the perfect time for planting, and what better way to support Long Island’s natural beauty and wildlife than by planting native plants? Stop by the Refuge on Saturday, September 23rd to purchase some native plants grown and sold by the Long Island Native Plant Initiative, or LINPI.
We have the greatest diversity of species we've ever offered!
Please visit our Current Plant List for plant availability
Quart/ 4-inch size pots $8 + tax
We hope to see you there!
Contact us for more information!
Join us
Thursday, April 21 &
Saturday, April 23
10 am - 2 pm
at the Greenhouse
for Volunteer Day!
Activities such as:
-Moving plants outdoors
-Weeding and cleaning plants in pots
-Placing rice hulls on top of plant pots
-Cleaning trays and pots
Native plants are for sale!
We are open for plant sales
the same days as Volunteer Days.
We have larger plants in stock and
more species will be available
in May and June.
Please RSVP for Volunteer Days
and plant sales
so we know to expect you.
Email [email protected]
LINPI at The Sisters of St. Joseph
1725 Brentwood Rd
Brentwood, NY
Entrance at Brentwood Rd and 5th Ave.
Once on the property, follow the path
on the attached map to the parking lot.
Please walk over to the greenhouse.
Please park in the parking lot
across from the playground and field.
Walk across the field to the Greenhouse.
Any questions on directions, call 1 631-260-1513
Join us
Wednesday, February 2 &
Saturday, February 5
10 am - 2 pm
at the Greenhouse
for Volunteer Day!
Activities such as:
-Seed Cleaning of grasses:
Switch grass and Big Blue stem
Join us for Volunteer Day from 10-2 on Saturday, December 4.
We will be seed cleaning dried plants harvested from our Founder’s Plot.
Saturday, November 27, 2021
LINPI at Sisters of St. Joseph (map)
Join us this Saturday at the Greenhouse to volunteer for seed cleaning activities!
Join us this Saturday at the Greenhouse to volunteer for planting activities!
This week’s activities:
Up-potting plants to larger size pots
Join us this Wednesday at the Greenhouse to volunteer for planting activities!
This week’s activities:
Harvesting seed at the Founder’s Plot
Join us this Saturday at the Greenhouse to volunteer for planting activities!
This week’s activities:
Harvesting seed in the Founder’s plot
Join us this Saturday at the Greenhouse to volunteer for planting activities!
This week’s activities:
Up-potting plants to larger size pots
Join us this Saturday at the Greenhouse to volunteer for planting activities!
This week’s activities:
Up-potting plants to larger size pots
Common milkweed Asclepias syriaca
False indigo Baptisia tinctoria
Partridge Pea Chamaecrista fasciculata
Maryland golden aster Chrysopsis mariana
Hyssop-leaved thoroughwort Eupatorium hyssopifolium
Boneset Eupatorium perfoliatum
Slender goldentop Euthamia caroliniana
Grass-leaved goldentop Euthamia graminifolia
Round-headed bush clover Lespedeza capitata
Eastern prickly pear Opuntia humifusa
Sweet everlasting Pseudognaphalium obtusifolium
Slender-leaved mountain mint Pycnanthemum tenuifolium
Early goldenrod Solidago juncea
Gray goldenrod Solidago nemoralis
Sweet goldenrod Solidago odora
Seaside goldenrod Solidago sempervirens
Showy goldenrod Solidago speciosa
Smooth blue aster Symphyotrichum laeve
Bushy aster Symphyotrichum dumosum
Hairy white field aster Symphyotrichum pilosum
Forked blue curls Trichostema dichotomum
Blue vervain Verbena hastata
Big bluestem Andropogon gerardii
Broome sedge Andropogon virginicus
Deer tongue Dichanthelium clandestinum
Purple lovegrass Eragrostis spectabilis
Switchgrass Panicum virgatum
Little bluestem Schizachyrium scoparium
Indian grass Sorghastrum nutans
Purple top Tridens flavus
Red chokeberry Aronia arbutifolia
Black chokeberry Aronia melanocarpa
Groundsel bush Baccharis halimifolia
Summersweet Clethra alnifolia
High-tide bush Iva frutescens
Virginia Creeper vine Parthenocissus quinquefolia
Carolina Rose Rosa carolina
Swamp Rose Rosa palustris
Steeplebush Spiraea tomentosa
Join us this Saturday at the Greenhouse to volunteer for planting activities!
This week’s activities:
Up-potting plants to larger size pots
Join us this Saturday at the Greenhouse to volunteer for planting activities!
This week’s activities:
Up-potting plants to larger size pots
Join us this Saturday at the Greenhouse to volunteer for planting activities!
This week’s activities:
Up-potting plants to larger size pots
Join us this Saturday at the Greenhouse to volunteer for planting activities!
This week’s activities:
Up-potting plants to larger size pots
Join us this Saturday at the Greenhouse to volunteer for planting activities!
This week’s activities:
Up-potting plants to larger size pots
Join us this Saturday at the Greenhouse to volunteer for planting activities!
This week’s activities:
Up-potting plants to larger size pots
Join us this Saturday at the Greenhouse to volunteer for planting activities!
This week’s activities:
Up-potting plants to larger size pots
Join us this Saturday at the Greenhouse to volunteer for planting activities!
This week’s activities:
Up-potting plants to larger size pots